Sunday, August 1, 2010

Recommended Reading!

I don't read often, so when I decide to, the book has got to be both entertaining and informative. Two of my favorite books at the moment were found while browsing Barnes and Noble on a random day, and I just HAD to buy them.

"Why Men Love Bitches"
by Sherry Argov
This book very empowering for women to read, but perhaps the overall best part about it is that it makes a lot of sense. It seems as if its's a 'how to' on understanding the emotional and mental concepts of men in relationships, but I see it as rather a way a woman should handle a relationship in general. The chapters cover both basic and complex aspects of men and women and how they compare to one another and how they balance out. It also covers the concept of how a man will come to respect a particular woman. Several scenario examples, pop quizzes, attraction principles, and mood boosters help this book stay original. You will love it!

"Hands Off My Belly!"
by Shawn A. Tassone, MD and Kathryn M. Landherr, MD
If you are experiencing your first pregnancy, this book is a MUST HAVE. Or if you find yourself surrounded by people showering you in myths, stories, birth preferences, labor preferences, or if you just get tired of people telling you what your particular labor will be like, you need to pick up this book. To me, this book was a life saver. There are so many false facts and myths floating from mouth to mouth in the world of pregnancy it can make somebody sick - literally. This book busts every myth, every lie, and every worry of fertility, conception, diet, miscarriage, mood, gender predictors, old wive's tales, multiples, labor, birth, and afterbirth. At $19, it's worth every penny.

1 comment:

  1. I just saw your lovely review of our book and wanted to thank you. Would love to see it on Amazon.

    Shawn Tassone, MD
