Tuesday, August 10, 2010

BEST TOY Reviews for Babies Under 12 Months

Illumination Station by Sassy

Ever get tired of retrieving toys for your baby while he’s seated joyfully (or not so joyfully) in his high chair or bumbo seat? This illumination station by Sassy is a life saver. It suctions onto a tray or other hard surface and stays in place. Your baby can pull on it, push on it, spin it, bite it, try all he can to tear it from its base but this thing doesn’t budge. On the not so positive side, the rattles in it are quite loud (like most toys that catch babies attention). However, the vast array of colors and patterns of black and white help baby’s eyesight mature. There are several variations of this toy, therefore I would definitely recommend one with the most black, white, and red patterns on it, as those colors tend to hold baby’s attention for much longer than similar colors (orange and yellow, blue and green, etc). Another feature this product offers is the option to remove the base from the main spinner section. Either way, it is a great investment.

Winkle by Manhattan Toy

The best thing about this product is that it is multi-purpose. It serves as a rattle and a teether. The black and white pattern in the middle catches baby’s attention and the multiple rings make it easy for baby to grasp the toy at any angle. Even babies just learning to grasp usually do not have a problem holding on to this product. The rings are soft and serve as an amazing teething ring. You can also put it in the freezer and freeze it for extra therapy for sensitive, sore gums. On the downside, as a rattle it isn’t very loud at all (sounds more like a dainty jingle than a rattle). This toy also comes in a variety of colors and styles, and again I would recommend the one with the black and white striped cube in the center for baby’s eyesight.

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