Friday, July 30, 2010

It Starts.

Ok so it's a little past 7:50 a.m on a Friday....I am 31 weeks, 2 days pregnant and feeling pretty good aside from my calf muscles, which is COMPLETLELY my own fault for stretching so much that I give myself charlie-horses in them. bleh. Whatever.

As it is probably very obvious, this is my first post. I'm not sure what to type [not that I can type at all anyways!] but I'm going to try to keep this from being a complete and utter fail. All I can see myself posting about is my pregnancy, my husband, my son, my hobbies, fashion, and reviewing products.

So let's get started, shall we? ^_^

Here's a little insight as to what I've been up to recently (or somewhat recently). I'm going to try to make this LONG story as short as possible:

I am currently 21. I married my sweetheart of 4 years on Dec 23rd 2009. About 2 months beforehand, we began the process of moving out of our parents' houses, so to make things run a little smoother (or so we thought) we decided to spur down to the courthouse one morning, get hitched, and finish things up after that, mainly for tax purposes, home-buyer's closure, and whatnot. Well. We got our 'house' as I call it [it's actually a cute little newly built single wide mobile home, customed just for us] and began the rather LONG process of moving in it while at the same time attempting to plan our ceremony for our marriage. Well. In the midst of planning our wedding, I found out I was 10 weeks pregnant. I was overjoyed. And so was my hubby. So much that we both completely put off our ceremony in exchange for planning for the baby (not to mention that my chosen dress was designed as a cold-hearted corset with no thought for an innocent young one in my midsection!)

That was back in mid Feb this year. Now here I stand (or sit preferably) nearly 8 months pregnant, trying to sort out and prepare for both the day my son will arrive and the day that my husband and I will FINALLY walk down the isle together. It will happen!

I swear it.

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