Friday, July 30, 2010

*Craven's 4D Photoshoot Experience*

I first asked for my 4D ultrasound at my 26 week appointment. My OB told me I could get it done next time, so I didn’t fret about it and went on the schedule my next visit for 7/21/10. Well, 4 weeks later at 30 weeks pregnant, I was told to schedule for my 4D next time. I was a little frustrated, but I expected it. I was after all at a hospital (which I’m not a fan of). At the checkout counter, the lady stated, “well we don’t do 4D ultrasounds after 30 weeks.” I insisted, and bitched a little . . . maybe even threatened a little . . . ^_^ . . . but I got an appointment for the very next day.
That’s more like it.

10:15 a.m.

Craven was scheduled for his first actual 4D ultrasound. He was 30 weeks, 1 day gestation and he was KICKING! He must have known what awaited him! Well . . . when the lady turned on the machine, our loving son failed to show us his face. He scrunched up into a ball, clenched his fists and buried his little visage into those fists. We saw arms, knuckles, legs, ears, a forehead, and even his penis . . . but very little of his face! At this point, we were convinced that this boy was going to be a handful from the start! We did managed to measure him though. His heart rate was 149 bpm and his estimated weight was 3 pounds, 13 ounces.

So we were scheduled for a recheck that following Monday at no charge. The poor lady must have felt sorry for us!

10:15 a.m.

This time, my mother came with my husband and I. Truthfully, we probably should have brought her with us the first time. Craven is already so relaxed around his grandmother, it’s unbelievable. All it takes is for him to hear her voice and he stops what he’s doing. During the ultrasound, he tried to throw a fit, but my mother’s calming voice stopped him in his tracks. He fell asleep! That seemed like a first haha. We got some amazing pictures, which helped us determine exactly how much he takes after his father. This time, his heart rate was 160 bpm and his estimated weight was 4 pounds, 2 ounces. He even smiled!!!!


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